A SpiceJet passenger has criticised the airline’s “sheer mismanagement” for making passengers wait for two hours inside the plane due to heavy fog at the Delhi airport. Pratyush Rawat said that a SpiceJet flight from Delhi to Kolkata, scheduled to take off early on Friday morning, was postponed due to the fog. However, he criticised the airline for forcing passengers to board the plane even after knowing that the flight would not be allowed to take off. In an ex post shared around 8 am on Friday, Rawat claimed that he and other passengers had been waiting inside the plane since 6 am. He explained why the airline asked passengers to board the plane when there was a possibility of a delay. Flights delayed due to fog in Delhi A thick layer of fog engulfed Delhi NCR on Friday morning, reducing visibility to zero. The minimum temperature in the national capital is expected to be 6 degrees Celsius today. A SpiceJet flight from Delhi to Kolkata was also among the few flights that faced delays due to the fog. According to news organisation PTI, over 100 flights were postponed at Delhi airport on Friday morning as operations were affected due to poor visibility conditions caused by dense fog.
In his X post, Pratyush Rawat criticised the airline’s poor planning.
“Boarded SG263 Delhi-Kolkata at 6am but could not take off even after 2 hours due to dense fog. There were newborn babies and elderly people on board the plane – this delay was anticipated and is sheer poor planning. Airlines should ensure ATC clearance before boarding,” the passenger said.